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The Colors of Neotech

Within the walls of Neotech our backgrounds are different, our talents are varied, and our interests are widespread. Many speak Spanish. A few speak Farsi. One speaks Hungarian. Some like basketball. Others prefer hockey. We have single parents. We have grandparents. We have pet parents. Our differences go on and on.

While we celebrate these differences, we’re united in a common goal: To produce high-quality products that Make a Difference in the quality of treatment for neonatal and pediatric patients, their parents and the clinicians who attend to them.

Your product might be assembled by Nick whose mother was told would have severe limitations due to complications at birth. But Nick lives alone, drives a nice car and thrives at work.

You may call for product support and speak with Perla who was a NICU mom herself. She knows firsthand how our products can Make a Difference.

You may email Tricia, a mom and grandmother, to find out how you can get our products at home. She’ll work directly with the DME company to make it happen.

Or your new product idea may be developed by Sara, an adoptive mother of siblings. Her passion for developing new products is fueled by the clinicians’ passion for caring for their patients.

Whatever the case may be, our assorted collection of Neotech employees are here for you. It may be the bald one or it may be the one with purple hair. Either way, they will Make a Difference in your day.

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