Home Healthcare at Neotech

Life After the NICU Often Includes Home Healthcare
For many families, being discharged from the NICU doesn’t mark the end of the medical challenges brought on by a premature birth.
Many patients go home with continuing healthcare needs. Neotech created a division within the company focused solely on the medical needs of these patients, Neotech Home Health. Neotech’s Home Health sector recognizes the special needs of these patients and their families. It works with parents and their DMEs to deliver the products these children need.
Judy McCrary, Director of Sales & Marketing, is a former Respiratory Therapist who helped found Neotech Home Health. Along with her background as a RT, Judy has also worked for a DME company and is familiar with the questions and objections a DME company may have. She and Home Health Account Manager, Melinda Rivas, approach their work more as advocates for children and their families rather than salespeople. “If you believe in what you’re doing, grand things will happen,” Judy says. “So I don’t have to sell anything. All I do is believe in the products that we have. Then, we work with the parents and work with the DME companies… to carry the products that I believe are the best products for their children.”
Neotech is an Essential Home Health Brand
Judy and Melinda find Social Media to be a great resource to connect with families. They belong to many online support groups for parents of special needs children. There, they listen to parents and offer help when possible. On the Neotech Home Health Facebook page, they have fun making contests for parents to submit pictures or stories. Families are awarded with goodie bags filled with Neotech Products and sometimes a little something for other siblings at home. Judy explains, “We take this on as a family unit. It isn’t just about the patient.” The result is parents who love the products. Next, these parents then take the products back to the hospitals and the hospitals turn around and order the products. The parent’s have become spokesman for Neotech. Thank you parents.
With the support of Neotech behind them, Judy and Melinda have cultivated Neotech Home Health into an essential brand in the home healthcare arena. “Our products are now relatively available through DME suppliers and Home Health Agencies and continue to make a difference in the long-term care of our patients,” Melinda says. “Neotech Home Health continues to evolve by bridging the gap between hospital and home care. We understand a parents’ struggle when it comes to fighting for what their child needs and we want to be there to help. We believe in building relationships.”
She adds, “Our products will sell themselves. Our goal is not to make a sale, but to advocate for parents and caregivers to get what they need to take care of their little ones. Even if it means sending free product to hold parents off while we get their DME supplier on board.”
Making a Difference
I asked Judy why it is important for Home Health to have its own division: “Hospitals are very institutional and home health is a different level… You have to listen and be compassionate and you have to NOT be a salesperson. They are just parents trying to take care of their kids. We are here for them. It’s not about selling anything to them. It’s about caring from them and being an advocate for them.”
Both Judy and Melinda have been personally touched by the families they have helped serve through Neotech Home Health. They have many stories about the children and parents they’ve gotten to know over the years—some of whom they have met in person and witnessed, first-hand, the role Neotech products make in their lives. They are appreciative to know they are Making a Difference in these lives.
If you would like more information on Neotech Home Health, please email Melinda Rivas or call 1-800-966-0500.