Neotech for Adults

A Vendor Turns Out to be a Loyal EZCare Customer
Neotech, makers of EZCare Softouch, is well established in the NICU…
We also have a loyal customer base in pediatrics and home health care. What you may not know is that Neotech offers a few products that are suitable for adult care as well.
We recently, heard from Tina Sacco-Lorenzini. She works for one of Neotech’s service providers and is an adult user of the the EZCare™ Softouch Tracheostomy Tube Holder (N926 18″ 2-piece).
“Your [EZCare] trach tie is far superior to the trach ties I was previously provided,” Tina said. “I was taken care of by a lovely Respiratory Therapist who saw my struggles with skin sensitivity, and showed me your product. I had to battle with my medical supplier to get them. It was only after I sicked my Otolaryngologist (AKA “Junk Yard Dog”) on them, that they ordered the EZCare for me! It took a LONG time to get them, but now they are a part of my regular prescription.”
Through the course of our interaction with Tina, she told us that she is a working professional and often wears black. She suggested how great it would be if we offered EZCare in black.
“Please do not feel like you owe me anything, or need to send me products. However, if you ever need a tester, count me in! Just know I am a loyal customer!”
That’s when team Neotech really jumped into action. Within a week, we had black prototypes ready to go. We sent them off to Tina in a care package that included Little Sucker® and NeoSucker® suction tips, a Suction Caddy™, assorted NeoGrips, and a few promotional goodies.

Tina wrote back:
WOW – my heart is literally overflowing!
This is, by far, one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. The variations of the suction tips, and the covers for them!!! BRILLIANT! Those tubing holders are genius.
Then, to come home and see this box of pure gold… I am so moved by your thoughtful kindness! This collar looks SO GOOD! Just like a necklace! I’m heading to Back to School Night, and my 12 year old daughter says I look like I’m wearing a stylish choker! Normally I’d be shying away from the stares, now I say bring them on. I feel amazing!
We certainly appreciate Tina’s gratefulness. But more importantly, we appreciate her inspiration. The black EZCare is now commercially available. Thank you, Tina, for reaching out to Neotech and allowing us to be a part of your story.